Lesbian Love Addiction
Understanding the Urge to
Merge and How to Heal When Things Go Wrong
We all stumble in relationships, making mistakes and sometimes finding it hard to break free from harmful patterns. Many women find themselves trapped in cycles of love addiction, where the quest for love leads to feelings of unhappiness, unfulfillment, loneliness, or worse. In "Lesbian Love Addiction: Understanding the Urge to Merge and How to Heal When Things Go Wrong," Dr. Lauren Costine sheds light on these challenges and offers a transformative journey towards healing and fulfilling connections.
Uncover the Path to Healthier,
Happier Relationships

About the Book
Lauren D. Costine offers insight for lesbians, bisexual women in relationships with women, queer women, and more specifically, any woman who loves women, as well as their family and friends, and health care professionals, into the psychology of lesbian love addiction. It will give those who struggle with and suffer from love addiction ways to understand, cope, and heal from this debilitating addiction.
It will give those who work with this population new tools to use to do this more effectively. Mostly, it will help lesbians understand their relationship failures and how to heal from problems associated with them, so they may grow and cultivate happier, more fulfilling connections in the future.

Key Topics
The different forms of love addiction for lesbians
Understanding the "urge to merge"
Coping strategies and healing processes
Dr. Lauren
Dr. Lauren is a licensed psychologist, relationship coach, consultant, author, educator, activist, and international speaker. She has dedicated herself to the field of LGBT-Affirmative Psychotherapy and Women’s Empowerment and is a pioneer in Lesbian-Affirmative Therapy.
She currently sees private clients in Beverly Hills and Woodland Hills, California, and is available for tele-therapy. Her articles have been featured in numerous mental health magazines, and she publishes a monthly written and video blog titled “Dr. Costine’s Commentary”.
Learn more about Dr. Lauren and her exceptional work.